Google’s URL redirection service

Well, it’s been a while. But we have good excuses — we’ve all been basking in fine New Zealand sun and enjoying family and friends. Looks like we’re in for a pretty good summer this year. We hope 2008 will be a grand year for all of you. We’ve certainly got Decent, microFledgling plans coming up. :-)

Anyway, I just discovered a neat “feature” of Google search. You can use it as a URL redirection service by putting the URL you want to go to after a site: keyword, and simulating pushing the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button with a btnI parameter. For example:

SparklineSeems like it might somehow be useful, but mostly it’s just fun to use a hammer to screw in screws. Also, it looks like Google’s 75×18 pixel Sparkline Service is still running nicely. :-)

10 January 2008 by Ben    2 comments

2 comments (oldest first)

Julian 10 Jan 2008, 23:39 link

So what if the site isn’t in the index? sigh..

Ben 11 Jan 2008, 06:52 link

Yeah, good point, but I’m guessing that most sites and pages are (or should be :-) in Google’s index.